
Tips to fix common KYAN projector issues

Published on: November 3, 2022

KYAN is the result of Schoolnet's effort to bring together diverse content - multimedia, animation-based, simulation-based, and so on. The KYAN is an interactive device that allows children to learn at their own pace and level.  It has been designed keeping in mind the needs of the Indian education system and the problems faced by children in rural areas.

Designed at IIT Bombay and Schoolnet, KYAN combines a hi-tech projector with a PC, a DVD writer, a TV tuner, in-built speakers, a 500 GB HDD, 3G-Internet, a wireless keyboard, and a mouse – all in one single interactive device. KYAN is an all–in–one, portable, easy-to-use, plug-and-play device that converts any wall into an interactive surface.

Like all machines, the robust KYAN projector may at some point in time, give some minor hiccups. If you're having trouble with your projector, don't worry. There are KYAN projector service centers that can help you fix your projector.

Tips and tricks to fix your KYAN projector issues

If the projector goes out in a classroom, you don't have to rely on someone else to fix it. You can repair the projector yourself if you have a little know-how. But, if it is something more serious, KYAN projector service centers will help you get your projector up and running again.

We'll walk you through the steps you need to take to get your KYAN functional again in this article. We'll also go over some common projector issues and solutions. You'll be able to fix most projector problems on your own with this knowledge.


A projector may not be turning on for a variety of reasons. If your projector is not turning on, try the following:

  • Check that the projector is plugged into a working outlet.
  • Examine the temperature lights to ensure that the device did not overheat and shut down.
  • Check the batteries if you use a remote control to turn on the projector.
  • Make certain that all of the projector latches are closed.
  • Resetting the lamp timer is an option.
  • Ascertain that the projector is not in standby mode.

If the KYAN machine still does not turn on after attempting all of the above solutions, the problem could be something more complex, such as damage to internal components.


When a projector is in use, it is normal for it to become hot. However, if a projector overheats, it may require cleaning, maintenance, or improved air circulation. Here are some tips on how to resolve overheating issues with your projector before you think of calling a KYAN projector service center. By following these tips, you can keep your projector running smoothly and avoid any potential problems.

  • Check the warning sign.
  • Make sure the area around the projector is clear.
  • Check that nothing is blocking the projector vents.
  • Remove any dust from the filter and vent.


When you're in the middle of giving a presentation and the light on your projector starts blinking, it's easy to panic. But before you start hitting buttons randomly, take a breath and consult your owner's manual. With a little bit of troubleshooting, you should be able to get your presentation back on track in no time.

  • Power Light: If the power button light is green or flashing green, the projector is most likely turned on or warming up. The projector may be on standby mode or going off if the power light is orange or flashing orange.
  • Lamp Light: If the lamp light is flashing orange or red, it typically implies it is about to burn out or has to be replaced.
  • Temperature Light: If your projector's temperature light is flashing orange or red, this usually signifies it's overheated or needs to be cleaned. Remove any things that may be obstructing the projector's vents and clean any debris surrounding it.


There are several causes of projector discoloration. The following are some of the most prevalent causes of discoloration and how to treat them.

  • Examine the state of your VGA cable. If any of the prongs are bent, the VGA cable should be replaced.
  • Optimize the display and color settings for the classroom lighting.
  • Check to see whether your projector's light needs to be replaced.

If none of the following solutions assists to alleviate the discoloration, the issue may be more serious. Inspect the color wheel or polarising plates with a professional projector repair service.


The lamp must be replaced at some stage. The following are the symptoms of a burned-out lamp:

  • Examine the lamp light. If the light is flashing red or orange, the lamp must be replaced.
  • If the projector powers on but no image appears, your light may be burned out.
  • If the projected image is dirty or faint, the light may burn out quickly.

Do you have a KYAN machine that isn't working correctly? Are you having issues with image quality or sound? If you are having any of the above typical projector issues or want extra assistance, please contact a KYAN projector service center. We specialize in the upkeep and repair of educational equipment, which means we can help you get your projector back up and running quickly and easily. We look forward to serving your school’s technology needs with unmatched repair turnaround time and superior customer service.

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