
October 6, 2020
Four Levels of Active Listening – Part II
Last week, we had delved into four levels of active listening. 1. Level 1: Downloading 2. Level 2: Factual listening 3. Level 3: Empathetic listening 4. Level 4: Generative listening
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September 16, 2020
Two words in the English language appear to be ambiguous and have over-lapping meaning: Hearing and . Are they the same or do they mean different things? Let’s examine and understand.
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July 29, 2020
We Shall Overcome
This is one song we’ve all heard and whole-heartedly sung at some time of our lives. Strangely, when we sang this in school it was not quite clear what it was that we were going to overcome. Or that, what was that Utopian existence that we were fearlessly striving for and literally singing our hearts out for. But we sang it anyway…with full gusto and filled with purposefulness and conviction that we shall beat all odds – whatever they may be. This sense of confidence and assumed success also had something to do with the fact that whatever it is that we shall be doing – it shall be done as a team. But overcome what? Not be afraid of what? Be free of what?…..
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June 6, 2020
Sustainable Human Capital Development with YUVA UNSTOPPABLE
This case study examines an intervention by Yuva Unstoppable (YU), an NGO in India. YU has worked in Indian schools since 2006, previously focusing on programmes that enhanced hygiene and sanitation (WASH), as well as mentoring of students, and recently implemented a Technology-based Education (or EdTech) initiative called the Smart Classroom programme, which is aimed at upgrading schools with state-of-the-art learning technology. The Smart Classroom programme presents a unique and successful case of intervention by an NGO in the Indian education sector. We analyse the context in which it is deployed, study its outcomes and offer insights into the factors that have facilitated its success.
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August 19, 2019
Personalized Learning Solution for the Future of Education
Education, in a sense, gives us the ability to understand better and the freedom to express our mind. The learning fundamentals of children are built from the curiosity. They wonder, explore, question, examine, develop initial hypothesis or conjecture and develop their own explanation and understanding. That’s the way we acquire the ability of learning to learn. Consider an example of a curious child. S/he notices an insect crawling on a tree and vigorously eating its leaves. S/he is naturally curious. If s/he gets conducive support and nudge in following her inquiry, she is likely to discover the life cycle of the butterfly on her own. Such a learning would be much more authentic and joyful than what a teacher may teach in the classroom from the book. Such an engaged learning may easily turn into a lifetime experience. Delight in discovery develops the encouragement and expansion of mental calibre. It further helps in building confidence and self-esteem. However, as children reach their teens, curiosity tends to dip. Multiple factor can be pointed out for such a slump including the overload of information. This is where personalized learning steps in, playing an important role. Personalized learning, in short, is to orient teaching learning to suit the different needs of students. All students are expected to learn their subject matter within a stipulated time. While many find themselves ahead, there are many who are left behind. As a result, their learning outcomes suffer. Not all learners are enthused to understand concepts explained through lectures alone. Some may find experiment more exciting. Others may like more to work with diagram or educational videos as learning accompaniment. Working on project with peer gives some students to discover their potential. In the ‘personalized learning’ mode teacher is alert to a student’s specific needs if s/he is struggling with a certain concept in a subject. Teacher identifies as to which students need help in which direction or area. She offers them deeper engagement through the integration of a variety of ways including the digital and new modes of learning. Thus, teacher offers alternate modes of learning opportunity to each student specifically. Such a targeted approach improves learning engagement and outcomes while boosting student’s self-confidence and refining his ability for deep learning.
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January 25, 2019
The chalk and talk method of teaching is being, slowly and steadily, supplemented with technology driven innovations. The idea is not to substitute the teacher, as this can never be the case, but to assist the teacher, in whichever possible way, to enhance teaching / learning experiences. In addition, technology aims to empower teachers, enhance learning outcomes. Geneo is one such app. It helps tp bring all important stakeholders in the education ecosystem on a single platform: students, teachers, and parents collaborate to achieve a common learning objective. The school benefits by positioning itself as a cutting edge education provider.
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